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Joy Boe
Founder & Director
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When people ask me why I got into this ‘line of work’ I always feel like it’s such a strange question with such a complicated answer. The simplest reply has always been I enjoy being around authentic and creative people. I have been involved in the realm of social services since 2008, working in many capacities including vocational training, job development, grassroots advocacy, and Independent and Supported Living Services for adults with developmental services. During this time I benefited from outcome-based education in the form of hands on experience and learning journeys. I completed Diana Pastor Carson’s Disability and Society course, and I earned a CCLD (Citizen Centered Leadership Development) Certification under the Instruction of Carol Blessing at Cornell University’s online program. For 11 years I worked as a Coordinator with Life Works, a position which allowed my interests in community based assets to be practiced alongside Beth Gallagher and Kirk Hinkleman.

Revision was collectively pieced together over years of introspection and dreaming, in the late night hours drafting a plan which ended up being an official program design and non-profit mission statement. Revision truly is built on my personal interest in art, environment, and advocacy, to offer a space where artists of all abilities could work alongside each other. This format needed to exist outside of traditional academic circles which always felt exclusive to me. I wanted to create a space of true inclusion, that felt welcoming to people of all ages, backgrounds, skills, and abilities. Since its inception in 2017, it has evolved into a bigger vision beyond my imagination. A place not only where disabled artists feel a sense of belonging, but where community members come to make and enjoy art too. Revision Artists in Residence now show work in galleries all over San Diego. They have merchandise in museum gift shops and consignment partnerships with other local businesses. We have installed a permanent public art mural at the Waterfront Park downtown.

I am grateful for my incredible Team who inspire me everyday. I treasure each and every artist that is part of Revision. It is a pleasure to work alongside them and to represent their work in the larger community. My goal is to continue to expand our reach so that more of the San Diego art scene is aware of the potential we have available here.

If you are wondering how you can continue to keep revision thriving, there are a few simple ways you can help. Invite new friends to our art exhibitions. Attend a workshop. Share our events with your coworkers. Consider shopping at our gift shop or commissioning a personalized piece for a special occasion. Rent our space for a special occasion. If you know of benefactor opportunities for non-profit charities, consider nominating Revision as a recipient. More than anything, continued support and participation in our mission is most important.

Thank you

Joy Boe is the recipient of the 2022 Bill Rosenberg Memorial, Outstanding Leadership Award

2024 R.I.S.E. Inclusive Leadership in Action Award Nominee

2025 Hillcrest Honors Fabulous Philanthropist Honoree

If the places where we belong do not exist, then it is up to us to create them.

This field is still a wide-open place; despite the regulations, hoops to jump through and red tape. Freedom is a constant driving force that exists independent from licenses or meetings or purchasing services.

The people who are part of the REVISION community aim to be free - in control of their lives, free from labels with negative connotations. We wanted to work in a space where every type of person is made to feel like an "insider".

That space did not exist. So we made it happen.

Joshua Bellfy
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